The Big Things that make you happy
Before sending out that last post on Beirut, it’d been more than two weeks since I updated my blog. In my own defense, I had been working for about 15 days straight before finally getting a first day off, most of them out off the country. This was becoming a serious source of stress to me – not updating my blog that is (not the work mind you. I was getting ready to complain about having had to work for two straight weeks on the phone to my Grandfather, but then I remembered that he had worked on his dairy farm every day for 17 years from the day his father died until he first took a holiday, so I decided to stay silent). I would quickly peek at it at work and was beginning to get physical stress symptoms, that same uncomfortable knot in my stomach I sometimes get when I check my bank account: I owe waaaay too much…
By my count, it was three posts at that time that I definitely owed: Ethiopia, Beirut and Part 2 of my First Impressions. At least that’s down to two. Unfortunately, this post won’t change that balance, this is more of a general update.
I have now moved into my apartment. I have my luggage in with me in here, and… that’s sort of it. I have two pieces of ‘furniture’: a huge blow up bed that I borrowed from one of my colleagues, and a cheap white foldable plastic chair that the former tenant must have thought was too insignificant to drag along and left on the balcony. I am now sitting on that chair (thank you, space-time continuum neighbor) with my laptop perched on my largest suitcase, which stands upright against the wall.
I’m here because I'm waiting for my first piece of furniture to be delivered at some point today: a large, comfortable, white, large, large sofa. I’m so excited about this. Ever since I left my parents house I have been living in rental apartments with cheap furniture that usually has little in common (certainly not colour or style) except for being much too small for me to comfortably fit in. This thing is big… it’s a 3+2, plus it has a big extra footrest that’s as long and wide as another ‘2’, so the three pieces can even be pushed together to create a big, soft, flat area bigger than any bed (this seems to be the in-thing with sofa designers in the UAE these days, my colleagues and I refer to it as being ‘orgy-friendly’). In other words, size does matter, but how you use it can really maximize your comfort and pleasure. Can we all agree on this? (Please vote in the comment link. Silence will be counted as a ‘yes’ vote. I am counting the number of people reading this, and can figure out who you are by tracking your IP numbers. This is easier than you think.)
The only problem is that I’m far from convinced that the ‘3’ will fit in the elevator… which is a bit of an issue when you live on the 17th floor.
By my count, it was three posts at that time that I definitely owed: Ethiopia, Beirut and Part 2 of my First Impressions. At least that’s down to two. Unfortunately, this post won’t change that balance, this is more of a general update.
I have now moved into my apartment. I have my luggage in with me in here, and… that’s sort of it. I have two pieces of ‘furniture’: a huge blow up bed that I borrowed from one of my colleagues, and a cheap white foldable plastic chair that the former tenant must have thought was too insignificant to drag along and left on the balcony. I am now sitting on that chair (thank you, space-time continuum neighbor) with my laptop perched on my largest suitcase, which stands upright against the wall.
I’m here because I'm waiting for my first piece of furniture to be delivered at some point today: a large, comfortable, white, large, large sofa. I’m so excited about this. Ever since I left my parents house I have been living in rental apartments with cheap furniture that usually has little in common (certainly not colour or style) except for being much too small for me to comfortably fit in. This thing is big… it’s a 3+2, plus it has a big extra footrest that’s as long and wide as another ‘2’, so the three pieces can even be pushed together to create a big, soft, flat area bigger than any bed (this seems to be the in-thing with sofa designers in the UAE these days, my colleagues and I refer to it as being ‘orgy-friendly’). In other words, size does matter, but how you use it can really maximize your comfort and pleasure. Can we all agree on this? (Please vote in the comment link. Silence will be counted as a ‘yes’ vote. I am counting the number of people reading this, and can figure out who you are by tracking your IP numbers. This is easier than you think.)
The only problem is that I’m far from convinced that the ‘3’ will fit in the elevator… which is a bit of an issue when you live on the 17th floor.
At 7:06 PM,
eprahin said…
so did you ever meet up with schlosser in dubai? i am thinking not...
At 1:24 AM,
Kristjana said…
Hmeh. Fáránlega launahár expat eins og þú hlýtur að geta fundið einhvern til að múta til að bera sófa upp á 17. hæð. Þetta komment er á íslensku til að ganga ekki fram af enskumælandi lesendum þínum. *scary smile*
Awesome! Congrats on your first sofa! Methinks it's probably nicer and slightly pricier than MY first sofa (although I did sell mine at a profit a couple of months back. My first and, to date, only smart financial move.) Although... white? Really? I would have thought you'd want something slightly more stain-resistent in a piece of orgy furniture.
PS: I absolutely refuse to discuss with my older brother whether or not size matters. You had better not count my vote in either column.
At 10:02 PM,
Anonymous said…
M is Medz. M Makes Me happy. It has been a pleasure...
At 6:15 PM,
Anonymous said…
Ætlaði bara að kvitta fyrir komuna. Komst hér inn í gegnum MA síðuna okkar. Bið að heilsa í bili, sjáumst svo vonandi spækir í sumar. Kv. Tómas
At 4:22 PM,
Anonymous said…
Congrats on the new soft ! just waiting to know how it got to the 17th floor! :) elevator or else?
At 4:26 AM,
Magnus said…
Thank you all for participating in my informal survey. The notion under question was "size does matter, but how you use it can really maximize your comfort and pleasure," and silence was counted as a yes vote. With an overwhelming majority of 89 silent 'yes' votes and one abstenance (under a thinly veiled threat of violence from my sister), the notion was approved. I feel like we've made a lot of progress. Yes, some people were probably counted more than once. I should have my own Banana Republic.
In other news, no, the sofa did not fit in the elevator. But the three young Pakistani delivery men proved both entrepreneurial (i.e. willing to accept bribery) and persistant, and after a two hour epic battle they had managed to squeeze the thing up all 34 flights of stairs in the ridiculously tight fire escape, despite having to deal with a few bottlenecks. That's when the real problem began though - getting the sofa out of the fire escape and into my apartment. This too worked out - between me and them we came up with a way of carrying the thing up to the 18th floor, turning it around, then back down to the 17th and into my apartment. So there it sits now in my living room - and me on it - and I absolutely love it. Now I need to get some things to go with it.
Also, my next project came through. Looks like I'll be spending a lot of time in Egypt over the next few months...
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