Yesterday I moved - yet again.
I have an idea what lies ahead. Another apartment hunt in another foreign city. Another bureaucracy and a fresh batch of inefficient utility companies. Another set of table manners to learn and try not to mix with the sets I knew (to a degree) before. Another six months of discovering at the worst possible moment that I've yet to stock up on shoe polish, or lightbulbs, or aluminium foil. Another period of months or maybe years where I will need strain my senses 24/7 with the effort of understandingthe language, the culture, the people around me, until I find myself zoning out of conversation and come home at night surprised at how exhausted I am.
But then... that apartment hunt will be sponsored by the company, and will hopefully fill up with the first full furnishings I've ever bought myself. The utility companies will give me an insight into how society works here (and what prompts people to publish a three-hundred page guidebook entitled "the Dubai Red Tape"). The table manners will be learned in a cosmopolitan society over what's reported to be a selection of fantastic restaurants from the world over. When I find out I'm out of shoe polish or aluminium foil I will use it as an excuse to get to know the neighbours - who might be locals, or might be adventurous foreigners like me - either way they should be fascinating people. The months and years of effort I'll need to put into learning the culture (and hopefully the language) will cause me to need extra sleep for months, but hopefully it will eventually be richly rewarded with understanding the way it has been in the past.
The truth is that I love the adventure and the uncertainty that lies ahead. Yet again, I've made a choice - and yet again, despite the challenges, I'm glad for it.
I have an idea what lies ahead. Another apartment hunt in another foreign city. Another bureaucracy and a fresh batch of inefficient utility companies. Another set of table manners to learn and try not to mix with the sets I knew (to a degree) before. Another six months of discovering at the worst possible moment that I've yet to stock up on shoe polish, or lightbulbs, or aluminium foil. Another period of months or maybe years where I will need strain my senses 24/7 with the effort of understandingthe language, the culture, the people around me, until I find myself zoning out of conversation and come home at night surprised at how exhausted I am.
But then... that apartment hunt will be sponsored by the company, and will hopefully fill up with the first full furnishings I've ever bought myself. The utility companies will give me an insight into how society works here (and what prompts people to publish a three-hundred page guidebook entitled "the Dubai Red Tape"). The table manners will be learned in a cosmopolitan society over what's reported to be a selection of fantastic restaurants from the world over. When I find out I'm out of shoe polish or aluminium foil I will use it as an excuse to get to know the neighbours - who might be locals, or might be adventurous foreigners like me - either way they should be fascinating people. The months and years of effort I'll need to put into learning the culture (and hopefully the language) will cause me to need extra sleep for months, but hopefully it will eventually be richly rewarded with understanding the way it has been in the past.
The truth is that I love the adventure and the uncertainty that lies ahead. Yet again, I've made a choice - and yet again, despite the challenges, I'm glad for it.
At 12:33 AM,
Anonymous said…
Life...indeed adventurous and uncertain, what else? You live, you learn, and you only live once...:) Hope you enjoy life in Dubai.
At 1:59 PM,
Anonymous said…
" Tu es de la race des nomades. Tu crois qu'il a y toujours qq chose de bon a découvrir au hasard des chemins et tu as raison. Arrivé au terme, tu auras vécu plusieurs vies alors que nous aurons consumé la notre dans un confort sans surprise"
" You are of the nomad race. You believe there's always sth good to discover along the way and you are right. At the end, you will have lived many lives while we will have consumed ours in confort without surprises"
You are of the nomad race indeed! but we all are, that's our lot for living in the XXI century' s global world!.
I hope my beloved Middle-East will bring you loads of good times and later unforgettable memories! :)
Salam, F.
PS:Sorry for the poor translation!! :)
At 3:03 PM,
Anonymous said…
Good luck with everything, my friend. I am sure that you are going to learn everything very soon.
At 3:42 PM,
Unknown said…
A new exciting chapter of your life is beginning... I'll be looking forward to read about your adventures in Dubai.
Stay in touch and keep posting.
At 10:54 PM,
Anonymous said…
You had me worried there for a while :) Ugh... óburstaðir skór þegar verst lætur.... Afi þinn myndi hleypa í brýrnar! En eins og niðurstaða þín var, þá er þetta ekki bara áhyggjuefni, heldur líka spenna í lífið! Vona bara að allt gangi vel. Kv. mamma
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