Desert life through the eyes of an Icelander
posted by Magnus @ 9:49 PM
At 9:18 PM, malawihazel said…
and there i was feeling sorry for you, thinking that you hadn't posted cos you'd been too busy at work - LOL
At 3:23 AM, Anonymous said…
i've read this and i am ready to puke... sorry...ep
At 3:28 AM, Anonymous said…
yea.... i think im ready to shoot myself...
At 12:59 AM, Kristjana said…
Ah yes. Magnus and his Porsche, the prince and his Airbus. Boys and their toys...
At 4:54 AM, Anonymous said…
Það var kominn tími til! Algjör tilviljun að ég sá þetta... var eiginlega hætt að gá..... Gott að heyra frá þér aftur og gott að sjá að hægt er að hafa gagn af leikfangabílnum! :) Mæli þó ekki með svona notkun. m.
At 10:08 PM, Anonymous said…
Sæll fóstri minn.Þú ættir að senda mér tölvupóst á, ég þarf eiginlega að skrifa þér bréf.
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Originally from Northern Iceland, I started exploring the world at age thirteen when I moved to Malawi in Africa with my family. I loved every minute of the three years I spent there. Having come from the top of the world to, well, it's polar opposite in almost every conceivable way, I resolved I would have to see what lay in between. That quest continues, and my latest stop is Dubai.
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At 9:18 PM,
malawihazel said…
and there i was feeling sorry for you, thinking that you hadn't posted cos you'd been too busy at work - LOL
At 3:23 AM,
Anonymous said…
i've read this and i am ready to puke... sorry...
At 3:28 AM,
Anonymous said…
yea.... i think im ready to shoot myself...
At 12:59 AM,
Kristjana said…
Ah yes. Magnus and his Porsche, the prince and his Airbus. Boys and their toys...
At 4:54 AM,
Anonymous said…
Það var kominn tími til! Algjör tilviljun að ég sá þetta... var eiginlega hætt að gá..... Gott að heyra frá þér aftur og gott að sjá að hægt er að hafa gagn af leikfangabílnum! :) Mæli þó ekki með svona notkun. m.
At 10:08 PM,
Anonymous said…
Sæll fóstri minn.
Þú ættir að senda mér tölvupóst á, ég þarf eiginlega að skrifa þér bréf.
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